Known as “Ryutopia,” the Niigata City Performing Arts Center was founded in October 1998 as the hub of performing arts, offering a varied range of music, theater, dance, and traditional Japanese Noh plays from the heart of Niigata City. An egg-shaped structure designed by architect Itsuko Hasegawa, the Center consists of 3 halls made specifically for the performance of classical concerts, theater and Noh plays in addition to 2 multi-purpose studios and 8 rehearsal rooms. The performance halls boast superb facilities and expert theatrical stage staff, promising an exceptional artistic experience to visitors and users alike. Ryutopia aims to be an art venue that meets the expectations of both audience and performers, while contributing to the appreciation of the performing arts.
Ryutopia continues to create and introduce new theatrical works both in Japan and to countries abroad through the residential dance company “Noism” (established in April 2004) . As the artistic symbol of Niigata City committed to domestic as well as global audiences, its ultimate mission is to enrich the regional culture.